Category Archives: Computers

Integrate ServiceNow with jQuery

Integrating ServiceNow and jQuery can be very intimidating. This post will go through the process of creating a ServiceNow page that integrates with jQuery and the jQuery UI libraries.  The ServiceNow page will be displayed through a GlideDialogWindow for a very clean and integrated effect … Continue reading

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VSphere PowerCLI : Changing the Network Name for multiple Virtual Machines

Below is a tutorial video showing how to change multiple network names for virtual machines inside Vsphere. The Powershell/PowerCLI command used in the video is : Import-CSV C:\name.csv | ForEach-object { Set-NetworkAdapter -NetworkAdapter ( Get-NetworkAdapter $ ) -NetworkName “Virtual Desktop Network” -confirm:$false} View in Full Screen for best … Continue reading

Posted in Computer, Computers | 1 Comment

Create New DHCP Options in Server 2008

The following tutorial will show how to create new DHCP options on a Windows 2008 R2 server running DHCP services. For this example, the following options will be configured for a WyseC10LE thin client. Option 161 – Wyse FTP Server … Continue reading

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Disabling Flash Update Notification through VbScript

Introduction : The AutoUpdate Notification for Adobe Flash can only be disabled by creating a UTF-8 encoded text file named mms.cfg in the appropriate folder. In this post, we will go through the steps of creating the mms.cfg file, creating a VbScript … Continue reading

Posted in Computer, Computers | 5 Comments

BUSD : Banning Unified School District

It has now been 4 months, and I really enjoy my job at BUSD. Over the time, I have been able to find programming tasks that have pushed my knowledge. Also, the support side has allowed me to watch some … Continue reading

Posted in Computer, Computers, Teaching | 1 Comment