VSphere PowerCLI : Changing the Network Name for multiple Virtual Machines

Below is a tutorial video showing how to change multiple network names for virtual machines inside Vsphere. The Powershell/PowerCLI command used in the video is : Import-CSV C:\name.csv | ForEach-object { Set-NetworkAdapter -NetworkAdapter ( Get-NetworkAdapter $_.name ) -NetworkName “Virtual Desktop Network” -confirm:$false}

View in Full Screen for best Quality.

About Constantine Krick

Once a teacher, now a word press blog
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One Response to VSphere PowerCLI : Changing the Network Name for multiple Virtual Machines

  1. Hi,
    And when there are several different interfaces, with different names and can you switch to other names once?
    Because in this case, you put 1 interface for a name.
    Now imagine that I have
    interface1 = VM Netowrk and change to VM Networkmgm
    another interface interface2 = VM Netowrk2 and change to VM Networkmg3 on the same machine.
    How would I do it?

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